Lighting the path into the last month of 2015 comes the latest from VANDIT’s 15 Years Of… series. And boys & girls, you’d better believe, it’s a seasonal cracker!
Since first release, Jose Amnesia’s ‘The Eternal’ has remained two things: underground… and evergreen. Reserved for the deepest level of fan reverence, it’s a classic as beloved today as it was back in the early Noughties.
Paul Thomas, Scott Bond & Charlie Walker are the men tasked with the 2015 revisions, and unto VANDIT’s door they’ve delivered a truly exceptional pair of remixes. On his rework, Paul retains all the essence and sonic high of the Original, binding it into a brilliantly modernised production and up-to-date arrangement. Comeback kid Scott & young gun Charlie meanwhile supply another in their of-late celebrated series of REBOOTED remixes. Putting ‘The Eternal’s central riff between their studio crosshairs, though, supporting pianoforte, string-symphonics and rafter-raising synthesizers, they elevate Jose’s anthem to yet greater heights.
Grab your copy here:
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