Forget about the hammers, it’s Miller Time baby! High Contrast have reached a new decade and as such they should celebrate in style with a brand new energy-packed release! With Lunation having served as your safe haven for Winter’s darkness, Blow My Mind will be the track to break away those dark clouds and demand Spring! Are you ready for the upcoming Festival Season? Because Jochen sure is!
Blow My Mind brings back the Glory Days of High Contrast in 2005-2010 by throwing that delicious electro-driven groove mixed with tech-trance stabs, riffs and big room effects to create an energetic eclectic cocktail like the label’s Legendary roster used to do so effortlessly month after month, year after year.
Just check out the raw effects and synths in the first 30 to 45 seconds, if this doesn’t give you those And Then…/Lost Connection 2008 feels, then nothing will! The part that follows is layered in powerful stabbing elements and a very firm acid(!)-driven lead. If everything so far follows the logic of modern day big room, the breakdown has the necessary sentimental parts: a sweet piano with minimal backing by a vocal that doesn’t overdo it. Next up is the iconic Miller synth to move things from soothing listening to fist-pumping-while-dancing again: As the drop hits, Jochen decides to NOT use that recognizable Miller lead but instead opts for a a more distorted, oldskool W&W-esque lead that gets back-up from some saw stabs. For a brief moment some extra melodic sounds pop up again, basically announcing the end of the main part as the track’s winding-down phase sees the return of the loaded acid synth from the build-up. Because of this, the track doesn’t really start to lose its high energy level until about the final 40 seconds or so. To conclude this track is easy to hum along to, fun to dance to, and it does what Miller does best: Blow Your Mind!
The Miller sound has been going strong again for a while, and Blow My Mind chooses to not fix what isn’t broken, following a similar vein to its two predecessors but probably packing the most punch of the three yet.
Blow My Mind has early support by: Andrew Rayel, W&W, Markus Schulz
Get your copy here: hcr.ffm.to/hcr361