Having engaged Skylex’s services for last month’s DJ Mag “8.5/10” scoring, “on fire” treatment of his & Eric Lumiere’s “Heart Of Life”, the one and only Alex M.O.R.P.H. gets straight back into the thick of it this July.
The first new music to come out of the German’s studio, post the completion of his 2016 “Not All Superheroes Wear Capes” album, the release ushers in a major new era of M.O.R.P.H.-ism!
When Alex says “It Is Full Of Stars”, you don’t have to be an Aldrin or Gagarin to recognise what he’s talking about. Extending VANDIT’s current run of intergalacticly themed, titled and visualised expeditions (“Serenity”, “Miles Away” and “Cerulean” among them), the track is – to its intents and purposes – focussed on the skies above.
As ever, Alex channels equal parts creativity, artistry and authenticity into its production. Percussive skip, business-minded beats and acidic curl collectively engage its drive train. Higher up the range, the lucence of “Stars” sub-melody, its calling vocal harmonies and intuitively judged & delivered mainline bring it genuinely galactic properties.
01. Alex M.O.R.P.H. – It Is Full Of Stars
Endorphin-coursing, floor endorsing and (yup!) Mighty M.O.R.P.H.-in’, elevate mind, body, soul and spirit through “It Is Full Of Stars” available through Beatport here.