This week, dropping out of the clear blue yonder, the second single transmission prefacing the release of . . – – – (‘Three’) – Solarstone’s impending longplayer. Really, what brighter way to start the autumn?!!
Chasing up on the heels of ‘Landmark’ – his Lostly team-up, October sees Solarstone reach spiritually, musically and titularly for the sky.
Pure Trance in its most classic form, ‘Sky’ is equal parts bass & drum powered club rocker and goosebump generating, piano-lit mesmerizer.
Says DJ Mag of the track (in their 8/10 review), “If you’re looking for wild deviations in Solar tone, best hit skip. If however you’re after another zoomed-in study in Solarstonery, you’re better served (and advised!). ‘Sky’s recognisably throbbing bass pulse, detailed percussion and saucer-eyed vocal are readily equalised by unhurried grand piano, bleepily evocative sub-melodies and a tangible sense of wonder”.
Get your copy here: blackhole.complete.me/sky