More of the ripe stuff falling from his debut album, Craig Connelly unlocks the power of three through his new single. Joining the UK-based DJ/producer are Siskin – the recently formed musical sisterhood comprising of Suzanne Chesterton & Sue McLaren. A potent musical assembly by any measure, singers and sonic mechanics unite to devastatingly fine effect on ‘All For Love’.
Lyrically and emotionally Siskin summon a storm with a song that muses on the full 360 of love’s nature. Embracing highs and lows, its openhearted “because love wants to experience everything” chorus says it all. At once haunting and lingering, through its graceful progressions, their delivery equalizes the ethereal with the earthmoving, hitting some extraordinary vocal notes as it goes.
Having secured Siskin for their first featured role, Craig draws on his studio nous to intuitively back the duo every beat of the way. A production that knows exactly when to stand off and spotlight its song and when to capitalize, he ultimately rallies charged bass, moving melodies, vivid synths and note elevation to its cause.
Get your copy here: craigconnelly.complete.me/allforlove